Visual Literacy is designed to assist students in the process of making observations, connections and inferences about an Artist purpose, and develop ideas about a work’s significance.
Activities include: scavenger hunt, Five Card Flicker
- Have students jot down one word that they associate with photo panels (Interpretation)
- Have students identify a song that comes to mind for one or more of the images displayed. (Relate)
- Describe what all the images have in common. (Determine Themes)
- Compare/Contrast and Collaborate
- Discuss what elements of the photos prompt their responses
- CCSS- Critical Thinking, Drawing Inferences, Collaboration/Communication
A few tools to use to enhance the impact of a scenario include: tcea 5E Modeling
- Green Screen Video: Use green screen video tools to create a backdrop of a pep rally with a student or the principal reading an official press statement. Use green screen tools available online.
- Newspaper Generator: Create fake news using newspaper generators available online. Here are some for your consideration:
Google Applied Digital Skills